90 Day Planning

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90 Day Strategic Planning Support for Artists, Designers + Artisans

As a Fine Artist, Surface Pattern Designer, and reluctant entrepreneur I am keenly aware of the unique challenges facing independent creatives.

As a Certified Online Business Manager, I help my clients to simplify and streamline their processes, automate and integrate their tech, and break down daunting goals into actionable steps.

Package Includes:

  • 1.5-2 hr. live call
  • Comprehensive review of your business and your goals
  • Call recording to capture all the key details
  • Written summary of our call including a 90 day plan, next steps, key recommendations and resources
  • 90 days of accountability support via Slack

If you have any questions about this service, please reach out to me directly via email jess@odd-duck-press.com or feel free to schedule a complimentary coffee chat.

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