Resources for Artists #4

Resources for Artists #4

Yay! It's time for another resource roundup:) Hope you enjoy:


My favorite new productivity tool is the Productivity Planner. It's based in the Pomodoro Method and focuses on helping you to prioritize the most important tasks and stay accountable. There are weekly planning pages and end of the week reviews which really tie it all together. Total win!


The other day in my artist mastermind meeting, one of the members could barely contain her excitement about this book: The Soul of Money. And personally, as someone who isn't the most financially motivated (but perhaps should be a bit more!) this book looks like it could be a real game changer.

Selling on Instagram

Sales. Oy Vey. What a tough nut to crack! Thankfully though, there are a bevy of resources available to help artists sell their work directly to buyers on social media. Here are a few for Instagram:

Staying Grounded

Ok, let's face it. Artists are a bit umm...different. We can be intense, sensitive, flighty, ambitious, complicated. Our career paths have been meandering and a lot of us have been through The Shit. As a result, it can be really easy to fall in the trap of self-judgement. Here are some resources that can help:

  • Tara Brach is a Buddhist meditation instructor and psychotherapist. She has free guided meditations on her website and has written books as well. Radical Self Acceptance is a personal favorite.
  • The Awakening Body is a really great book that I highly recommend. It's about somatic meditation, which is really fascinating to read about, but best of all are the free guided meditations.
  • The Rubber Band Technique
  • Write down your your accomplishments each day. Give yourself props for all that you do! According to Forbes, it's one habit that the most successful people share.

Do you have any resources that you'd like to share? Please do!

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